Provider Data is always a struggle for those in the self-insured, workers compensation and health share industries. That is why BASELoad is here to help and is The Standard For Provider Data! As one of our founding services, Provider Maintenance was designed to eliminate manual entering of PPO network data, and to support provider recruitment and patient steerage.


Eliminate Manual Entries

Manually entering new PPO networks, providers data and fee schedules is a long tedious chore that can lead to bad or missing information on your database. With our Provider Maintenance services, we can reformat, clean, and fulfill PPO files to be loaded into the claims management system seamlessly and with a click of a button. Through this service we normalize the data by running multiple core utilities such as parsing routines, key word search and replace, eliminating punctuation, bad characters and address verification. If you have providers with multiple network affiliations, we can help consolidate that information into one provider record instead of creating duplicate provider records.


Provider Recruitment

Want to expand into new areas? BASELoad can help you recruit new providers by providing contact and specific type of specialist information in a given area. Also, if you are missing information such as NPI, Phone/Fax numbers, Taxonomy, Medicare, Medicaid or License numbers we can help you fill in those gaps.


Patient Steerage

Concerned with outdated, incomplete or missing data on your provider directory? Our Provider Maintenance service can help with that, too. By constantly maintaining accurate provider information, updating newly added providers and removing recently termed providers, you can ensure that your patients are being steered to the best physicians. Ultimately, this can increase your customer satisfaction rate and reduce the number of potential fines you may receive.


Our Provider Maintenance is an ongoing service that is offered daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and/or annually, depending on our client’s needs. Want to check provider data off your To-Do List for good? Don’t wait! Give us a call us at (704) 424- 9889 (you will get a live person), email us at or check out our website to see how BASELoad is here to help you.


Also, be sure to check out our newly designed W-9 Corrections, LLC website for all the information on