System Conversions

Changing payment systems? We are experts.

BASELoad robot mascot waving

Changing claims payment platforms? Leave it to the pros.

Not only will we facilitate your payment system conversion, we will also cleanse and fulfill your neglected provider data. At BASELoad, we are data mapping specialists and have successfully completed hundreds of conversions for our payer clients. Kick off your new system with a cleaner, more accurate provider database handled by seasoned professionals in the healthcare industry. Provider data is all we do.

How much time, resources, and money will it take to convert a provider database?

There are multiple ways to convert provider data from one system to another:

In-House With Your Own Developers

Say you are converting from a legacy system to a brand-new platform. How well do your developers know the new platform? What values should be populated for required fields? How much does it really cost to do this?

Let the New Payment System Convert You

Will they inactivate duplicate providers? Will they cross-reference specialty codes and provider types? Can they fulfill missing data such as NPI numbers?

Leave It to the Pros at BASELoad

BASELoad has converted hundreds of clients from legacy platforms to new ones. Not only will we convert you, we will also fulfill missing fields, clean up your existing database, create a cross-reference of legacy provider ID to new ID, and inactivate duplicate providers. Don’t you want to start off on a new platform with the most accurate provider data? You are leaving your legacy platform for a reason.

Making a claims payment system conversion?

Leave it to the pros at BASELoad

We don’t just convert your payment system.
We clean up your entire database.

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