When dealing with the IRS, it is very important to understand everything is done on a planned schedule. Most of the headaches for the 1099 process is meeting the deadlines and knowing the requirements.

W-9 Corrections will help you navigate through the guidelines of the IRS and hence we give you a schedule to follow.

January 6, 2019 The first deadline in the process, the 2018 1099 Live File must be received by this date. Getting it to W-9 Corrections insures a smooth live season

January 31, 2019 All 1099’s to be printed and mailed, must be sent, processing completed, and 1099 proofs approved by someone in your firm by 9:00 am eastern standard time Monday, January 28th, 2019. Also, per the IRS, if you are reporting Box 7 payments in your 2018 Live File, all 1099’s must be printed and mailed before January 31, 2019 and your 1099 Live File must be filed to the IRS on or before January 31, 2019.

April 1, 2019 This is the DEADLINE for your 2018 1099-MISC Live File.

Keep these dates in mind and don’t forget to set up a FIRE account with the IRS so you can file. Remember, W-9 Corrections does not file with the IRS on behalf of clients, instead we supply our clients with the corrected file they need to send to the IRS.

We take out the hassle and guess work of the 1099 process to create a smooth year end. Live season comes quickly each year and it is critical to have the right schedule in place to eliminate unwanted surprises. When it comes to the IRS, proper guidance is key and that is exactly what we do. Receiving fines in the mail is no fun, so why not just avoid them all together.

Remember, You Send It, We Fix It, You File It!